Gaining Liquidity While Maximizing Value

BGA understands that for many business owners selling their company or bringing in outside capital is one of the most important decisions they will ever face. We strive to understand the unique needs of each of our clients. We pride ourselves in being flexible and thorough in our approach to finding the right solution for each of our clients. Mr. Crawley is a huge proponent of a two-step recapitalization process in pursuit of maximizing the sale value of the company.

Transactions are handled by our affiliate company, Corporate Finance Associates, LLC (CFA-Tulsa). CFA-Tulsa has 20 years of transactional experience and is prepared to provide each business owner the individualized attention necessary to ensure a successful sale.

The Selling Process

The process consists of four parts.

CFA-Tulsa prides itself in finding partners that are a “good fit” with the owners existing culture. A good fit will be far easier if the company has been working with the BGA organization in developing the methods that are used in the Growth Model prior to beginning to explore the two-step approach.  Many of the principles of the Growth Model will help drive the value of your company when it is time for a transaction.

Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) is another transaction option for business owners to make their employees the “buyer” of the company.

To learn more and set up your FREE in-person or phone consultation please see the Contact Us page.