An Integrated Approach To Profitable Growth

BGA uses a six-piece Growth Model to integrate four critical areas to create a business model focused on profitable growth. This integration is developed with the business owner(s) and leadership team to identify goals, problems and priorities in helping their companies move forward, toward sustainable, profitable growth.

BGA strives to keep its methods as simple as possible so that they are understandable and workable. The real key is a commitment by the leadership of the company to implement the methods and begin to change how the company focuses on profitable growth. These methods have been proven to work over and over again. Nevertheless, quality accounting and operating data is critical to effective measurement.

While four modules People, Processes, Problem Solving and Measurement are essential elements of the “Model” it is equally important that a “rhythm” for the overall model and its timing be developed. This will create accountability in evaluating progress of the company’s performance. Weekly, monthly and quarterly measurement create the “rhythm” of reporting and review. Annual results based on the prior four quarters should demonstrate progress and create momentum. Yearly number are important for taxes and prior year comparison. BGA is not a fan of long horizon (ten years) planning in today’s rapidly changing world. Therefore, we use a three year target for the “future”.

Problems that have not been “defined” cannot be successfully solved. A systematic approach to Problem Solving is critical for creating a company that is consistent in creating profitable growth.

People are the key to success. It is critical to have the “Right people” in the “Right seats”.

Processes are necessary to define how things are done and create accountability.

Measurement is key to determining progress.

Profits are the “proof of the pudding”. Problems are being solved; people are accountable; processes are documented and results are being measured.

Uniquely Focused for Success!

The following guidelines are used in working with each of our clients and will be uniquely focused for each company.

  • Set clear expectations for all.
  • Foster open communication and systematic decision-making.
  • Understand the company through documented processes and measurement to create accountability.
  • Strive to support a cohesive team environment committed to profitable growth.
  • Align the incentives for shareholders, management and employees to create successful participation by each.
  • Develop a capital structure that provides flexibility and safety relative to an uncertain business environment.

Each phase will bring milestones to be celebrated by the business owners and BGA. The Growth Model, if used effectively, will transform all aspects of a company from the top, down and create success through profitable growth.

Experience true Growth by setting up your FREE in-person or phone consultation on the Contact Us page.