2828 E. 51st Street, Suite 305
Tulsa, OK 74105

2828 E. 51st Street, Suite 305
Tulsa, OK 74105

S. Lee Crawley

Lee Crawley is a seasoned Business Executive that has been specializing in Transactions since 1999. He has extensive experience in the Energy Industry and has grown companies through turnaround and acquisitions strategies. His thirty years of professional achievements cover a wide range of business relative to transactions. His experience varies from making acquisitions; selling companies; financings; working with venture capitalists, investment bankers and commercial bankers; assisting companies improve their profitability and assessing valuations. He has served as a CEO for private and public companies, using his skills in strategic and operations management, with an emphasis on finding trouble spots or opportunities and then developing remedies to correct them or strategies to exploit them.

Lee spent the first twelve years of his career with Amoco in various financial and managerial positions. He served as the CEO of a public oil and gas company for six years, five years as CEO of Flint Engineering and Construction, a large private energy service company and served as the CEO for two turnarounds prior to beginning his M&A practice. Throughout his business experience, including his time with Amoco, Lee has been involved in numerous transactions.

Lee has a BS in applied mathematics from Pittsburg State University and an MBA from the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University.

Lee is a Certified Valuation Analyst (CVA) as awarded by the National Association of Certified Valuators and Analysts (NACVA).

Lee has held FINRA licenses 79, 24 and 63.

Lee is a former Director of Xeta Technologies, a public company prior to its sale and was Chairman of their Audit/Finance Committee.

Lee joined Corporate Finance Associates in 2003 and was a senior shareholder. He served as Vice Chairman of CFA’s Board for six years and was a member of the Energy Practice Group as well as principal of Corporate Finance Securities, Inc.


B.S., Pittsburg State University

M.B.A. Northwestern University

Professional Associations

Association for Corporate Growth (ACG)

Nat Assoc. of Certified Valuators & Analysts (NACVA)

University of Tulsa – Friends of Finance
